Einstein said, "The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination." Socrates said, "I know that I am intelligent, because I know that I know nothing." Don`t worry, this is not going into the science or the philosophical aspects of intelligence, but rather a funny look at it.
If you actually think of what he says, you will see why-----
If you ever debated on a social media site like Facebook, you will come across those that can only rebut your position by using memes.
If aliens from another planet were observing us, what would they truly think????????
This should be easy to do
Have you ever listened to someone and just had to look like this after they said something??
Of course this is very dangerous and should never be done--but it is however a way to solve the problem-
And of course they will tell you how smart they are.
and a little studying helped also
place your answer here---